Student permit

Create your future with us

We will Match you with the best Place, Course and Institute

Plethora of content over the internet. Hundreds of You tube videos over studying abroad. Yet the amount of information confuses in excess rather than providing clarity just because of the fact that every individual has a different life in terms of Ethnicity, Culture, Education level, Country, Experience and fianancial status. Hope you get the answers of all your questions online and all the information fall in line to give you clarity. If not, book an appointment for a video call with us to clear the clouds and explore your options of studying abroad.


Plan with Us

Want to Study Abroad at Canada, Australia, USA, UK

Few Thoughts to Ponder

Studying Abroad is a life time experience as well as a door to a pathway. Well then how to plan it ? Would you rather think of a Country, City, University or just a course ? Would you rather plan of the immediate coming years, five years, a decade or a lifetime ? Think it through before you begin to spend as we believe that the stakes are real high and it your “LIFE”.

Big Decisions to make

Studying Abroad not only involves planning but decision making at every stage. It is not so complex but a long process that involves a number of stages that needs to be planned well in advance. And the planning in advance actually involves a decision to be made at every stage within the plan, which in turn requires a set of knowledge and expertise.

Bring your super Qqestions to Us

Below given questions are the very general questions we come across. Your specific questions may be much more in layers and in depth once we start a conversation as they varies from person to person.

Am I eligible for XYZ institution ?

Answer to such question is specific to a institute and needs to be matched against the requirements of the course of your choice which we will readily provide.

What is the process of getting an admission ?

The process of admission involves a number of stages which we will elaborate during the consultation and will provide you a plan of action to follow.

What are my chances of getting through ?

We will support you in the best possible way to get admission into a institute. Although, we will let you know in advance the probability for a number of institutes.

Will I successfully get a Visa ?

Answer to this question attracts a number of factual information that needs to be considered. There is no one specific answer to every person. A call would work for you.

Will I get a Scholarship ?

There are a number of scholarship programs available which depends on your credentials and merits and the requirements of a specific scholarship program.

What if my Visa is refused ?

We are handling the refusal cases from all over the country. We are expert at re-applications and have a great success rate to boast of.

Drop the questions thats keeping you Puzzled

Aspirations and dreamz often have a long list of questions and doubts associated. At times, the self doubt and questions like “Am if fit for this?” keeps you at bay and you do not even try to make a step.

     In case, you have a lot of questions or a number of doubts and you do not feel comfortable to call, Fill the given form and include as much details about your enquiry as you can. Include all of your questions and we will address each and every one of them. We request you to drop a few lines about yourself in the context of the inquiry made which in trun would be helpful for us to address you in the best comprehensive way.