If you are looking for an Agent Advisor

We arrogantly boast of being an ethical visa refusal consultant working specifically as an advisor and not an agent. We will say what is required to be said to you and will not try to please you or rope you in. We deliver the insights of your case helping you identify the genuine pathways for yourself. Let us discuss your case before you make your first step towards moving abroad to a new country as an Immigrant.

Know the Services we offer

Quality at best

University Campus

Study Abroad Admissions

We offer study abroad services that ranges from selecting a course to getting a final letter of Acceptance. The service includes the preparation of application, statements, forms and the documents required for the University application.
student with country flag

Student Visa

Studying abroad and getting a student visa is a complex process involving a set of steps to be taken. The compilation of documents to prepare a complete application is otherwise a complex process which would seem to be very simplified process to you with our assistance.

Visa Refusal Consultant

We claim to be an expert in handling the refused visa cases and boast of being the best visa refusal consultant. Our experience and handling of more than a thousand cases of rejected visa has enabled us to understand the rules and regulations and underlying law applying it effectively to the applications at hand.


Know about our Journey

We started off as a visa refusal consultant and an education agent recruiting students for the foreign Universities. Along the way, we realized that there exist a lot discrepancies and scope of foul play during the process in the absence of any central regulatory for the sector. The weakness of the unorganized sector and lack of standardization of the services eventually effects the future of the aspiring generation looking to study abroad. As such, we decided to change our standpoint altogether.

Our Inception is thus an outcome of a thought process which confides in the belief of education as a right. And we heartily believe that along with that right there should be no space for the foul play that exist in the system and is eventually hampering the prospects of many young individuals.. A transparent method of delivering information to the student was much required. Thus we shifted our primary focus from the recruitment to providing genuine and transparent flow of information to our clients enabling them to be their own decision maker rather than being driven by anybody else.

Let your Journey Begin

Lets Stride


Choose a Package for your requirement

Document Review

Let us Review your Documents
2500 / hour
  • Documents Check
  • Rectification
  • Alternate document
  • Documents Formats
  • SOP Assistance
  • Application Check
  • PR Advice


Consult us and build your case on your own
  • Unlimited Consultation
  • Document Checklist
  • Additional Documents
  • Customized Formats
  • SOP Assistance
  • Form Filling Guidance
  • 24/7 support

Meet the TEAM Expertise

The experienced


Know the Data of fellow Indians abroad

0 +

Indian Students Abroad

0 +

Indians got Citizenship abroad in 2021

0 +

Indians Working abroad

$ 0

Remitted by Indians to India in 2021

Book an Appointment for a video call now

Book your "First Advice" appointment to discuss your case and get the insightful details for your aspired visa application.


Travelling makes me Realize how much I haven't seen

Travelling is not just a pleasure , it is an experience of lifetime adding information about the world at your disposal making you wiser and capable of making intelligent decision for your life. A research has shown that the people moving around the world makes more progress and contended life than an average person who is confined to limited spaces. If you feel that your life has become static, pick the pace by moving abroad as a student, employee or a permanent resident.