
Create your own

Build your immigration pathway with the expert.


Immigration can Refresh your stagnant pace of life

When life seems to be slow and growth is tough to come, it is time to make a move to the rest of the world.

Bring EXPERT to the work

Immigration is a complex and time taking process that demands very well understanding of the process and requirements of the immigration program. Any applicant is heavily invested in terms of Time, Money and Emotion. The process as such will keep you engaged with continuously evolving questions and will require us to address every concern as and when required. A few general questions are given under.

What is Permanent Residency ?

Well, it is visa that allows you to stay permanently in a country which eventually can lead you to citizenship. The countries offering PR have varied legislation and regulations for the same.

What is a point based system of Immigration ?

Countries wants immigrants for a reason and as such they want people in accordance to objectives. Thus a point based system allows you to have points based on age, qualification, experience etc.

How much time will it take to get a PR ?

The timelines are variable and depends upon the number of profiles in the pool, the program and the country you apply for.

How to find out if I am eligible for Permanent Residency ?

There are calculators available on immigration websites to know your scores on the point based immigration systems. Still, there are a lot of factors to consider where we enter the picture.

Which is the easiest country for Immigration ?

This question do not have an answer that says " this country is giving out PR easily ". The PR programs are designed to accomplish certain objectives. If you match, its easy or else its not.

How much is it going to cost me ?

All the countries have different schedule do charges for PR programs. Also, the charges of different programs of the samem country may vary with a great difference.

Drop the Questions thats keeping you Puzzled

Aspirations and dreamz often have a long list of questions and doubts associated. At times, the self doubt and questions like “Am if fit for this?” keeps you at bay and you do not even try to make a step. In case, you have a lot of questions or a number of doubts and you do not feel comfortable to call, Fill the given form and include as much details about your enquiry as you can. Include all of your questions and we will address each and every one of them. We request you to drop a few lines about yourself in the context of the inquiry made which in trun would be helpful for us to address you in the best comprehensive way.